St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School

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Head’s Welcome

On behalf of all the children, the staff and governors I would like to welcome you to St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School’s website.

I hope you find the pages informative and that it gives you a feel for the school, the children and the adults who treat each day as a new learning opportunity.

Our motto is based on the calling of St Matthew and the desire to give children and adults the opportunity to be the best that they can possibly be.

I try to live like Jesus:
I love; I forgive; I pray.
‘Come follow me’ – Be the best that I can be.

Here on our website you’ll find lots of information about our school from practical things like who the staff are and what our school uniform is like, to what the children learn and how we ensure we keep them safe.

I am so proud to be the Headteacher of this caring community, with an excellent staff team, and happy, engaged children.  I am proud of all the people who contribute in some way to providing high quality education and opportunities for our children. I hope that the children leave St Matthew’s having achieved their very best and look back with really positive and happy memories of the people, events and their time at this school.

To see what goes on here at St Matthew's follow us on twitter @stmatthewsbrad or take a look at the feed via the link in Our School section.

I look forward to welcoming you to St Matthew’s someday.

Best Wishes
Mr P Whitehead